Opening Your Heart Series: What Does Staying Curious Have to Do with Opening Your Heart? Good Question! Explore with This Gems Episode
Finding connection between our new series’ focus, Opening Your Heart, and something we gleaned from our recent guest, Dr. Lindsey Godwin, we return to two trusted resources for more information about the topic of Curiosity. It turns out that there are some true benefits of curiosity, for individuals, leaders, teams, and organizations. It’s a critical element in organizational change and innovation. Listen in and learn what all of this has to do with the heart and gain insights into steps you can take to build curiosity, as a leader or high performer. Interested in learning more? Check out this episode and your curiosity will surely lead you to some insightful answers! Finally, if you have not already done so, please take a few moments and complete our Hope survey. We would love to include your responses in our research.
Show Notes
Challenges for Action
How can you use your network, to develop and hone your questioning skills?
How can you incorporate curiosity into your performance management process?
Please complete the Hope Initiative Questionnaire. We need your voice!