Opening Your Heart Series: Unpacking a Few Common Good Protocols from Peter Block – Gems Episode!
After a great launch of our Opening Your Heart series, featuring Peter Block, we do a bit of mining, into a few gems, roughly translated from Peter’s latest book, Activating the Common Good – Reclaiming Control of Our Collective Well-Being. Listen in and learn some of the key points that stood out from Kristal’s conversation with Peter. Learn about two Common Good Protocols – Open Space (who decides what matters) and World Café (wiser together) and how they serve toward greater outcomes. Learn about connection through Relational Activism and how that impacts nature. Are you ready to explore what a purpose that is greater than ourselves looks like? Finally, if you have not already done so, please take a few moments and complete our Hope survey. We would love to include your responses in our research.
Show Notes
Challenges for Action
What will you do to build greater community, through the common good protocols – Open Space and World Café?
How can you grow your impact through relational activism?
Please complete the Hope Initiative Questionnaire. We need your voice!
Sources and Links​​​​​
www.designedlearning.com Designed Learning, Inc. offers experiences and workshops based on the ideas in Peter’s books including his most well-known works, Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used and Community: The Structure of Belonging.