Try or Do? That Is The Question!
It’s a question that is surfacing, more and more, these days. Do you want to try to make a positive difference, or will we make a difference? Please join us as our delightful guest, self-proclaimed natural-born motivator, Carla Ondrasik, challenges our thinking on this topic. Listen in as Carla shares her story, beginning with her childhood, where independence and doing was encouraged, through a career of “doing” fascinating jobs that tested her skills and fortitude and ultimately helped her find the love of her life, musician John Ondrasik, known to many as Five For Fighting. Carla walks us through her philosophy around not trying but rather, doing, which is something that more and more parents and leaders may be looking at. Hear how our learning and experience shifted our focus toward experimentation over trying and how this discussion has prompted us to rethink that, a bit. Interested in how to begin shifting from trying to doing? Learn about a few fun ways in which leaders and parents can help others unlearn the habit of talking about and promoting trying over just doing. We had such a fun time with Carla Ondrasik and we hope you’ll listen in and learn more!
Show Notes
Challenges for Action
Do you know how often you use the word Trying, in your daily conversations? Spend a day or even a week tracking your usage of the word try.
How will you share the concept of doing instead of just trying with your team and/or your family?
Please complete the Hope Initiative Questionnaire. We need your voice!