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Giving Thanks – Lessons in Gratitude, from Valerie Segrest

During this season of our year, as we reflect on the things we are thankful for…new family members, new homes, good jobs, great friends, or whatever comes to mind, let’s not forget those things that are much more foundational and important.  Join us, as we share gems from November 2022 article, on Valerie Segrest, indigenous Muckleshoot tribal member, nutritionist, educator, and author, who shares ways of celebrating Thanksgiving, with mindfulness and respect. Listen in and learn how recipes and food can be conversation starters that prompt greater gratitude and connection with, not only the people you are with, but with the very land you stand on.  We have a bit of gratitude to share with you, as well, so we HOPE you will spend this time of thanks with us. We also hope you have a very Happy and Insightful Thanksgiving!

Show Notes

Challenges for Action

  • What Thanksgiving traditions will you take time to unpack and discuss as your family and friends gather around the dinner table, this year?

  • How will you use what you learned in the article and in this episode to gain greater truth and understanding, at anyone’s table, at any time of year?

  • Have you completed the HOPE survey?  Please take five minutes to respond to the four questions (and several demographic questions).

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