Reflections from a Humble Legend – Tapping into the Wisdom of Geoff Bellman
The best day in the life of an Organizational Development (OD) Practitioner, is when she/they have the privilege of spending quality time with a leader committed to advancing the profession. Enter Geoff Bellman, renowned leader in the field of OD (since 1977!), six-time, best-selling author, and lifetime achievement award winner (OD Network). Join us as we spend a delightful hour with this highly engaged and humble legend. Learn a few of the truths Geoff discovered, over years of working with leaders, around the World, in relation to transformational experiences with teams. There is so much richness in this episode that you won’t want to miss a minute of this hour-plus-long session. We believe you will agree that your time was well spent!
Show Notes
Challenges for Action
Where do you see the need for growth and development in your team/organization?
What will you do to advance your own leadership skills?
Where and how can you and your team use your differences as a strength?
Sources and Links​​​
Extraordinary Groups: How Ordinary Teams Achieve Amazing Results, with co-author, Kathleen Ryan (Jossey—Bass, 2009)
The Extraordinary Teams Inventory with Kathleen Ryan and Kevin Coray (HRDQ Press, 2014)
The Consultant’s Calling: Bringing Who You Are to What You Do (Joss-Bass, 2002-2nd edition)
Getting Things Done When You Are Not in Charge (Berrett-Koehler, 2001-2nd edition)
The Beauty of the Beast: Breathing New Life into Organizations (Berrett-Koehler, 2000)
Your Signature Path: Gaining New Perspectives on Life and Work (Berrett-Koehler, 1996)
The Quest for Staff Leadership (Scott-Foresman, 1986)