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Marcel Loh, Retired Healthcare Executive and Board Member, on Leadership, EDI, Challenges and Optimism in the Rapidly Evolving Healthcare Industry

Continuing our new series, focused on critical challenges in the healthcare industry, we gratefully team up with one of our former guests, Jack Schlosser, to interview Marcel Loh, recently retired healthcare executive, governing board member at CHA Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center, who also serves on boards of the California Hospital Association and the Hospital Association of Southern California. Marcel paints a conversational picture of the impact that ever-evolving change has on healthcare leaders and the industry as a whole.  He shares his perspectives on what it takes to be a leader in this critically important industry and provides sage advice that is inspiring, engaging and evolving healthcare workers/leaders now and moving forward. His responses to our HOPE questions are filled with optimism…truly!  

Show Notes

Challenges for Action

  • Marcel shared what is needed, to ensure success in healthcare, in future years including, engagement, rewarding challenges, work satisfaction, etc.  How is that like what you are facing in your organization/industry?  How is it different and, if it is, what is that difference and why?

  • Identify ways you could take action to support this critical industry.

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