Coaches Corner – Unpacking Joy
It has been said that Joy is one of the most vulnerable of human emotions. It can be as brief as a moment, or it can last longer if you practice ways to elongate it. The stars don’t have to align for one to feel joy. It can actually happen during tough times as well. However, we, as humans, often rob ourselves of our joy by foreboding it. Want to know more about that? What does gratitude have to do with joy? What part does joy play in psychological recovery. Listen in and you will learn more about all of this and much more. However you listen, we hope this episode will be insightful for you. Have you taken the opportunity to complete our HOPE survey yet? We Need Your Voice!
Show Notes
Challenges for Action
“With joy, we do not lose ourselves but we become more truly ourselves”? How does this statement, from Matthew Kuan Johnson resonate with you?
What actions do you take to keep joy flowing through you?
What will you do to elongate your joy? How can you help others do that as well?
Please complete the Hope Initiative Questionnaire. We need your voice!