Talkin’ About Unfinished Business, with Amy Yip
How many of us find ourselves, as adults, ruled by our childhood assumptions? What if we could step back in time and have open, honest conversations, with our parents, about those stories (in our own heads) we grew up with, that might not have been completely correct? This week’s guest, Somatic Life Transformation and Mental Fitness Coach, keynote speaker, author, and self-confidence trainer, Amy Yip, did just that. Join us for this eye-opening conversation and learn more about Amy’s journey, as a first generation, Asian American daughter of parents from China. Listen in as we dive into Amy’s new international bestseller, Unfinished Business – Breaking Down the Great Wall Between Adult Child and Immigrant Parents. Learn about how candid conversations with her parents busted many of the assumptions she grew up with, that influenced her focus and behaviors and impacted her confidence. This is a lesson in adulting we think you won’t want to miss!
Show Notes
Challenges for Action
What childhood stories have you held onto, into your adult life, that have influenced your career and life direction?
How will you test your assumptions, toward a more centered and confident life? (if you do not have parent figures with whom to have conversations, coaching, counseling, journaling are all viable options for addressing your adulting journey)
Please complete the Hope Initiative Questionnaire. We need your voice!