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Unearthing Gems from Nicole Bianchi’s Five Tough Talks!

Would you build a house, without first setting a solid foundation?  Probably not, right?  Well, as it turns out, setting a sound foundation as a first step in any individual or team working relationship is just as critical. In this episode, we return from a week on Cloud 9, after our amazing visit from Nicole Bianchi, two-time bestselling author, speaker, coach, and off-key karaoke singer.  We are unearthing gems from her latest book, Five Tough Talks – a playbook for every tough talk you need to have in your professional and personal life, where we discuss this critical foundational step that can lead to greater outcomes and effectiveness, when we, as leaders, need to have tough talks.  News flash…this step can often minimize the need to even have a tough talk.  Join us as we share what’s behind Rules, Routines, and Rhythms.  Learn about a few fairly simple questions (from Nicole’s second chapter) that we like as discussion starters for building strong 1x1 relationships and for intentionally setting agreements.  Let us know what you think!

Show Notes

Challenges for Action

  • What Rules and Routines will you and your team develop, to set a sound foundation for effectively working together?

  • How will you set and maintain Rhythms, to keep the Rules and Routines front-of-mind?

  • Please complete the Hope Initiative Questionnaire.  We need your voice!

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